FBHFzu INFO Detailed help is not available at the moment! Just press [ESC] to close the help window. By pressing [TAB] the cursor jumps to the next highlighted cross-reference, which can be activated with [RETURN]. Scroll with [ The menu at the top of the screen can be activated by pressing the highlighted letter while holding down [ALT], by pressing [F10] or by clicking on it with the mouse pointer. Then the single commands can be selected with the cursor keys and pressing [RETURN], by pressing the highlighted letter or key(s) or by clicking on them with the mouse pointer. Another way to execute commands is by pressing the defined short-cut keys (so [ALT-F4] for Exit). These keys are shown at the last line at the bottom of the screen or in the menus behind the command descriptions. At the first line at the top of the screen the date and the time are shown. At the last line at the bottom of the screen the pressed special keys (so [SHIFT]), the keyboard state (so NUM-Lock) and the remaining free memory are shown. 5 See also the , the Processor and the Future menus! *** Cross-Reference A cross-reference allows it to read other help topics, which are related to the actual help topic shown on the screen. It is highlighted by color and can be choosen with [TAB] and [RETURN] or by double-clicking on it with the mouse pointer. And now: Just try it yourself! *** Virtual Warning The processor is running in virtual mode. The INFO program is not able to do all tests in virtual mode. Some tests may crash the actual DOS session, if they are runned in this mode. \ Under normal circumstances all tests will work correct, due to integrated security checks. * So this is only a warning, not an error. m See also the MS-WINDOWS, IBM OS/2, QEMM, 386MAX and the Novell EMM386 warnings and the Beware window! *** MS-WINDOWS Warning On this computer MS-WINDOWS is running. The INFO program is not able to do all tests. Some tests may crash the actual session, if they are runned in a DOS box of MS-WINDOWS. Under normal circumstances all tests will work correct. Only the 'A20 switch' crashs the MS-WINDOWS and therefore it will be disabled. * So this is only a warning, not an error. k See also the virtual mode, IBM OS/2, QEMM, 386MAX and Novell EMM386 warnings and the Beware window! *** IBM Warning On this computer IBM OS/2 is running. The INFO program is not able to do all tests. Some test routines may crash the actual session, if they are runned in a DOS box of IBM OS/2. Under normal circumstances all tests will work correct. Only the 'A20 switch' crashs the IBM OS/2 and therefore it will be disabled. * So this is only a warning, not an error. m See also the virtual mode, MS-WINDOWS, QEMM, 386MAX and Novell EMM386 warnings and the Beware window! *** Quarterdeck Warning On this computer Quartedeck QEMM is running. The INFO program is not able to do all tests. Some tests may crash the actual session, if they are runned under Quarterdeck QEMM. Under normal circumstances all tests will work correct. Only the 'A20 switch' crashs the QEMM and therefore it will be disabled. * So this is only a warning, not an error. See also the virtual mode, the MS-WINDOWS and the IBM OS/2, the Novell EMM386 or 386MAX warnings and the Beware window! *** Qualitas 386MAX Warning On this computer Qualitas 386MAX is running. The INFO program is not able to do all tests. Some tests may crash the actual session, if they are runned under Qualitas 386MAX. Under normal circumstances all tests will work correct. Only the 'A20 switch' crashs the 386MAX and therefore it will be disabled. * So this is only a warning, not an error. { See also the virtual mode, the MS-WINDOWS, QEMM and the IBM OS/2, the Novell EMM386 warnings and the Beware window! *** Novell EMM386 Warning On this computer Novell DOS 7 EMM386 driver is running. The INFO program is not able to do all tests. Some tests may crash the actual session, if they are runned under Novell DOS 7 EMM386. Under normal circumstances all tests will work correct. Only the 'A20 switch' crashs the Novell DOS 7 EMM386 and therefore it will be disabled. * So this is only a warning, not an error. b See also the virtual mode, QEMM, 386MAX, MS-WINDOWS and IBM OS/2 warnings and the Beware window! *** Shareware The shareware information are shown. Attention! The INFO program is my property. It's not allowed to modify or disassemble it nor is it allowed to use parts or ideas from the INFO program in software, written by your own! Please, register the INFO program! ) (C) Copyright 1995 by Christian Ludloff Please, register! *** Registered The user who registered this copy of the INFO program is shown. Thanks for the registration! If you tell me the name of a registered user, who made his registered copy public (which is illegal), then you will get a free registered copy without paying for it! The registered copy is not your property. You only 'bought' the right to use it. It is illegal to copy or sell registered copies! *** Set Parameters Some other programs executed by the INFO program may require several command line parameters. This window contains an input line, which allows the set these parameters. & If the command line should look like PROGRAM.OVL /P /C then just type '/P /C' and press [RETURN]! 5 See also the , the Processor and the Future menus! *** Execute another program The INFO program consists of more than one file. Almost all tests were placed into several small overlays, which will be executed by the main INFO program. If there's one command, not working correct on your own machine, then you may delete its overlay, so that you may never crash your DOS session again. V Remember, that you must copy all files, if you make a copy of the shareware version! 5 See also the , the Processor and the Future menus! *** Can execute program The INFO program is and will not be able to execute another program. Check for the described file existing in the INFO program directory, please! This error message occurs when the other program does not exist or its file size is equal to zero or its file attributes are set to read-only. See also 0 DOS error occured and Program code. See also the , the Processor and the Future menus! *** DOS error occured The INFO program got a DOS error when trying to execute another program. Check for the described file existing in the INFO program directoy, please! m This error code is set by DOS when the operating system was not able to execute the other program. See also : Can execute program and Program code. Some possible DOS error codes are: 2 file not found 3 path not found 5 access denied 6 invalid handle 8 not enough memory 10 invalid environment 11 invalid format 18 no more files See also the , the Processor and the Future menus! *** Program The INFO program got an exit code after executing another program. Check for the correct execution of the other program, please! This exit code is set by the other program. An exit code unequal to zero often shows errors during the execution of a program. See also : Can execute program and DOS error occured. If a DOS error occurs during the execution of another program, then the exit code often is invalid. 5 See also the , the Processor and the Future menus! *** This menu contains some commands to show the version or the copyright of the INFO program. < About Beware Copyright INFO2 DOS shell With the Exit command the INFO program can be leaved. . See also the Processor and the Future menus! *** About The program version and the program date are shown. Close this window by pressing [SPACE] or [RETURN] or by clicking on the button with the mouse pointer. See also the menu! *** Beware Some circumstances, as virtual mode, an active MS-WINDOWS or IBM OS/2 and the QEMM, 386MAX or the Novell EMM386 memory manager, may crash the actual DOS session or the MS-WINDOWS DOS box. / The window shows the state of these programs. T If you run QEMM and MS-WINDOWS, then the QEMM memory manager will not be detected. X If you run 386MAX and MS-WINDOWS, then the 386MAX memory manager will not be detected. r If you run Novell DOS 7 EMM386 and MS-WINDOWS, then the Novell DOS 7 EMM386 memory manager will not be detected. See also the menu! *** Copyright The copyright information are shown. Attention! The INFO program is my property. It's not allowed to modify or disassemble it nor is it allowed to use parts or ideas from the INFO program in software, written by your own! ) (C) Copyright 1995 by Christian Ludloff See also the menu! *** INFO2 The latest 'blue' INFO2 program will be executed. So it's possible to see the results of the older INFO program version too. u The older INFO program versions accept several command line parameters which will be shown at the first screen too: /R - enable triple fault reset test - 386-R /D - no reading debug registers DRx - 386-V /T - no reading test registers TRx - 386-V /C - enable cache switch test - 486-R /P - no reading TSC (no RDTSC usage) - 586-V /M - no reading MSR (no RDMSR usage) - 586-V The last column shows the necessary processor and its mode for the parameter. See also the menu! *** DOS shell The INFO program will show a full-screen command prompt of the operating system. It's possible to execute almost all commands, but remember, that the INFO program is still in memory! q Just type 'EXIT' and press [RETURN] to leave this operating system shell. The INFO program will be shown again. See also the menu! *** Exit With this command the INFO program will be leaved. You may also press the following three short-cut keys: [ALT-X] - typical for Turbo-Vision software [ALT-F4] - typical for MS-WINDOWS software [F3] - typical for some other software Of course you can leave the INFO program by clicking with the mouse pointer on Exit at the last line at the bottom of the screen. See also the menu! *** Processor This menu includes some sub-menus, containing commands to show several processor details for known CPUs. There are the following sub-menus: U the Mask Revision sub-menu, the Details sub-menu and the Control sub-menu. See also the and the Future menus! *** Mask Revision This sub-menu contains some commands to show the mask revision of the processor. There are two different ways to get the CPU mask: the CPU-ID Instruction, the CPU-Reset Test, the CPU-Triple-Fault-Reset, the CPU-I/O-Base-Reset and the CPU-80286-Reset. The processor reset test may crash the actual DOS session, due to the fact, that it is incompatible with some mainboard and BIOS versions. See also the Processor menu! *** CPU-ID Instruction The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for the CPU-ID instruction. Some processors support this instruction, some not. If the first parameter is '1', then the CPUID level #1 will be tested. If the parameter is '2', then level #2 will be tested. If there is no parameter, then all known to be supported levels will be tested. It is possible to select a range for the CPUID test by using the parameter '+' and (8-digit) hexadecimal values for the begin and end level. { Please, enable the CPUID instruction support for Cyrix 5/6x86 processors before, using the Cyrix feature control program. & See also the Mask Revision sub-menu! *** CPU-Reset The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for the reset behaviour of the PC BIOS. The original reset code of the BIOS will be executed with specific register values loaded, to check which registers are changed by the BIOS after a processor reset, but before the return to the code of a reset test program. ` The BIOS test can only be performed on 80386 CPUs and only, if they are running in real mode. Attention! This test may crash the actual DOS session, because it is not compatible with all mainboards and all BIOS versions. If it hangs, then reset the machine, please! F The BIOS test will only be performed, if the first parameter is 'R'. & See also the Mask Revision sub-menu! *** CPU-Triple-Fault-Reset The INFO program will execute another program, which trys to generate an internal processor reset to get the CPU mask revision. This reset test can only be performed on 80386 CPUs and only, if they are running in real mode. Attention! This test may crash the actual DOS session, because it is not compatible with all mainboards and all BIOS versions. If it hangs, then reset the machine, please! G The reset test will only be performed, if the first parameter is 'R'. & See also the Mask Revision sub-menu! *** CPU-I/O-Based-Reset The INFO program will execute another program, which trys to generate an internal processor reset to get the CPU mask revision. This reset test can only be performed on 80386 CPUs and only, if they are running in real mode. Attention! This test may crash the actual DOS session, because it is not compatible with all mainboards and all BIOS versions. If it hangs, then reset the machine, please! G The reset test will only be performed, if the first parameter is 'R'. & See also the Mask Revision sub-menu! *** CPU-80286-Reset The INFO program will execute another program, which trys to generate an internal processor reset to get the reset register values. This reset test can only be performed on 80286 CPUs and only, if they are running in real mode. Attention! This test may crash the actual DOS session, because it is not compatible with all mainboards and all BIOS versions. If it hangs, then reset the machine, please! G The reset test will only be performed, if the first parameter is 'R'. & See also the Mask Revision sub-menu! *** Details This sub-menu contains some commands to detect and test several parts of the processor. There are the following tests: the Cache/Memory Speed/Size, the L1 Cache Test, the L1 Cache Test, the Pre-fetch Queue Test and the FPU Location Test. See also the Processor menu! *** Cache/Memory Size/Speed The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for the cache and memory size and speed. The detected size and speed would be equal to zero, if the a cache level does not exist. The program can differ two cache levels. Some operating systems like MS-WINDOWS or the IBM OS/2 cause unreliable results. The test will be performed on 80286 processors only. On processors with separate L1 instruction and data caches, only the cache size for a L1 data cache can be detected. (Usually you can assume the same size for the L1 instruction cache.) See also the Details sub-menu! *** L1 Cache The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for the size of the CPUs internal L1 cache. u The word 'internal' and the level 'L1' mean, that the cache has been implemented into the processor's chip package. T The detected size would be equal to zero, if the internal L1 cache does not exist. I Rely on the result only, if the the internal L1 cache has been enabled! On iPentium processors there are two different internal L1 caches: one for the code and one for the data. Normally they have the same size, but only the data cache size can be detected. \ So assume the same size for the code cache on processors with separate internal L1 caches. See also the Details sub-menu! *** L1 Cache The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for the type of the CPUs internal L1 cache. u The word 'internal' and the level 'L1' mean, that the cache has been implemented into the processor's chip package. p The cache type can be detected only for 80486 processors, only if the cache is enabled and only in real mode. A write through cache normally is slower than a write back cache. For the most exact results the external L2 cache should be disabled. See also the Details sub-menu! *** Pre-fetch Queue The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for the size of the processor's pre-fetch queue. t The pre-fetch queue is a so-called FIFO buffer (first-in-first-out), holding the instruction bytes to be executed. See also the Details sub-menu! *** FPU Location The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for the FPU location. There are two different types of processors: some CPUs contain an on-chip floating point unit (so called DX) and some (may) use an external chip containing the FPU (so called SX, i.e. i80486SX with an i80487SX). Due to the fact, that all CPUs before the 80486 did not contain an on-chip FPU, this test will only be performed on 80486 processors. If MS-WINDOWS is running, then rely on the CPUID Instruction test only. The first test via the CR0 register will not show the correct result. See also the Details sub-menu! *** Control This sub-menu contains some commands to control several details of the processor. There are the following commands: the L1 Cache Switch Modes), the L1 Cache Switch (Real Mode), the iPentium hardware details, the Cyrix 5/6x86 hardware details and the A20-Gate Logic (Wrap Control). The 'All Modes' L1 Cache Switch routine may crash the actual DOS session, due to the fact, that it is not compatible with all mainboard and BIOS versions! See also the Processor menu! *** L1 Cache Switch Modes) The INFO program will execute another program, which shows the state of the processor cache and also can switch the cache off or on. Without parameters the cache state is dumped to the screen. If the first parameter is '+', then the cache will be switched on and if the first parameter is '-', then the cache will be switched off. Dealing with the cache is only possible for an i80486 compatible processor. Older processors and some IBM and Cyrix/TI parts may not work correct, due to the fact, that they don't use the CR0 register for the cache state/switch. Z On some motherboards a switch of the internal L1 cache may affect the external L2 cache. Attention! This cache switch routine may crash the actual DOS session, due to the fact, that it is not compatible with all mainboard and BIOS versions! If your machine hangs, then use the 'Real Mode' Cache Switch, please! See also the Control sub-menu! *** L1 Cache Switch (Real Mode) The INFO program will execute another program, which shows the state of the processor cache and also can switch the cache off or on. Without parameters the cache state is dumped to the screen. If the first parameter is '+', then the cache will be switched on and if the first parameter is '-', then the cache will be switched off. Dealing with the cache is only possible for an i80486 compatible processor. Older processors and some IBM and Cyrix/TI parts may not work correct, due to the fact, that they don't use the CR0 register for the cache state/switch. Z On some motherboards a switch of the internal L1 cache may affect the external L2 cache. j With the 'All Modes' Cache Switch you may perhaps switch the cache even in virtual mode. Just try it! See also the Control sub-menu! *** iPentium hardware details The INFO program will execute another program, which can switch some internal hardware details on or off for iPentium processors. # The syntax for the parameters is: where '+' enables and '-' disables the BTB branch target buffer the 2nd v-pipeline the internal L1 cache Dealing with these things is only possible for an 100% iPentium compatible processors with an integrated Model Specific Register 0Eh (TR12). See also the Control sub-menu! *** Cyrix 5/6x86 hardware details The INFO program will execute another program, which can switch some internal hardware details on or off for Cyrix 5/6x86 processors. Y The following parameters can be used, where a '+' enables and a '-' disables a feature: IORT=x I/O recovery time in 2^x clocks (0..7) CPUID instruction support load/store ordering misaligned load reordering all instruction pipe stall loopmode feature BTB branch target buffer return stack feature self-modifying code checks dir table entry cache memory bypassing feature fast FPU exception report Dealing with these things is only possible for a Cyrix 5/6x86 processor. q For the registered version of the 4P package you may rename this OVL file to a COM file for command line usage. See also the Control sub-menu! *** A20 Logic The INFO program will execute another program, which shows the state of the 'A20 gate' and which can switch this board logic (for the memory wrap around control on 80286 or later processors) 'on' or 'off'. Without parameters the state of the 'A20 gate' is dumped to the screen. If the 1st parameter is '+', then the 'A20 gate' will be switched on (no wrap) and if the first parameter is '-', then the 'A20 gate' will be switched off (wrap). The wrap around means, that any memory access to FFFF:0010h will show the same result, as to 0:0h. The 'A20 gate' board logic has been implemented for i8086/88 compatibility. It allows loading the DOS kernel into the HMA (high memory area) beyond the 1MB border with the HIMEM.SYS device driver and the 'DOS=High' line in the CONFIG.SYS file. The 'A20 gate' switching will be disabled, if the INFO program is running in a DOS box of MS-WINDOWS, IBM OS/2 or with Quarterdeck QEMM, Qualitas 386MAX or Novell EMM386, to preserve crashs. See also the Control sub-menu! *** Future This menu contains some commands to show undocumented instructions or registers, even on future processors. There are the following commands: ^ the Instructions test, the CRx/DRx/TRx test, the Opcodes test and the MSRs test. See also the and the Processor menus! *** Instructions The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for undocumented instructions. Some of them may be supported by the used processor, some not. See also the Future menu! *** CRx/DRx/TRx The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for (implemented) valid Control, Debug and Test Registers CRx, DRx and TRx. X Possible numbers are 0..7, but not all of them are currently used in 80x86 processors. See also the Future menu! *** Opcodes The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for undocumented hidden opcodes. This is useful to check future processors for new implemented instructions. If the first parameter is '+', then the screen display is updated for every possible hidden instruction, else only detected undocumented hidden instructions are shown. See also the Future menu! *** Model Specific Registers (very slow!) The INFO program will execute another program, which tests for Model Specific Registers. This is useful to check future processors for new implemented MSRs. If the first parameter is '+', then the screen display is updated for every possible MSR (30 times slower!), else it is updated once every 65,536 tests. v It is possible to select a range for the MSR search by using (8-digit) hexadecimal values for the begin and end MSR. See also the Future menu! *** -Test This menu contains some commands, which start -versions of some test routines. If you send me the test results, then this would help me to improve the INFO program. See Y the CPL3-to-CPL0 Test, the LOCK Test and the 32 Test too. Please, remember, that you use these programs at your own risks. I can not guarantee their correct function. *** CPL3-to-CPL0 The INFO program will execute another program, which enters the CPL=0 from CPL=3, (even) when the processor is running in virtual mode. p Normally this ca not be done, but using the VCPI API functions it is possible under some circumstances anyway. See also the -Test menu! *** LOCK The INFO program will execute another program, which tests the LOCK NOP instruction. Normally a LOCK NOP should cause the invalid opcode exception, but the Intel 386 processor seems to execute this combination without it. ^ Perhaps this simple test can be used to differ between Intel and non-Intel 80386 processors. See also the -Test menu! *** 32 The INFO program will execute another program, which tests the 32 bit wide variation of the SMSW AX instruction. The most 80386 compatible processors should support this undocumented variation of the SMSW AX instruction, preceeded by a 'DB 66h' prefix. If the opcode is supported, then it can't be trapped in virtual mode, because it isn't a privileged instruction, and it allows to see the true state of the PE bit (paging enabled, bit31) in the CR0 register. See also the -Test menu! ***